
The Babel Flute

International flute magazine & community

Instantly available in 100 languages!

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Exclusive content for our subscribers!

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Unique platform, content & services

Thanks to our unique translating feature, the entire platform can be translated to any language with just one click. The translation quality is exceptional! 

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Global community

83 contributors from 27 countries in 2.5 years! The platform includes Magazine Crescendo Forum for flute teachers, Classifieds, Job board, Games & Quizzes, Digital music store, and more!

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The largest flute magazine in the world

The Babel Flute, a diverse platform uniting flutists worldwide, has seen remarkable growth, attracting over 500,000 visitors from 236 countries. The platform, now receiving 180,000-200,000 Google web searches monthly.

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Inclusive & FREE

At The Babel Flute, we are committed to making our magazine ACCESSIBLE and INCLUSIVE to everyone. We have already erased the language barriers and have now made it easier for people with low vision

Since it's free, anyone can access its unique content without any financial hassle.

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Free 2024 Calendar 

We're delighted to unveil the 2024 calendar, available for free download, expressing our deepest gratitude for your unwavering support over the past two and a half years.

The calendar is provided in exceptionally high resolution and can be printed from PDF and JPG files.