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Communicate with confidence

by Rik Noyce, D.M.A. As a University professor and life coach, I often find both students and clients searching for the seemingly illusive state of confidence – wanting to know how to summon it, maximize it, and maintain it.  But, what is confidence? Why do so many budding performers feel its absence? What are we actually seeking when we look for…

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Voices of the Masters: Bridging Baroque and Modern Flute Practice

by Francesco Belfiore BACKGROUND  In the vibrant world of flute playing, the daily practice routines of musicians are as varied as the instruments they play. From the intricate Boehm system of the modern flute to the simpler yet equally demanding baroque traverso, each instrument offers its own set of challenges and rewards.  In this article, we embark on a…

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Principessa Anna Amalia di Prussia (1723-1787): Compositrice e Mecenate 

di Vilma Campitelli Abstract Principessa, compositrice e badessa. Sorella minore del Re Federico II di Prussia, fin da piccola amava la musica ma la sua istruzione fu possibile solo dopo la morte del padre. In età matura inizia lo studio della composizione con J. Ph. Kirnberger, allievo di Bach e compone sonate, corali, brani cameristici, marce che purtroppo, in…

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