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Flute Almanac Spring 2025 Magazine

As we step into a new season, we celebrate the continued growth and success of Flute Almanac. Flutists from all corners of the world turn to our platform for news, insights, and inspiration, making it a truly global and inclusive space for flute lovers. Unlike other platforms and magazines that require memberships or subscriptions, Flute Almanac remains completely free—ensuring…

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Flute Almanac Winter 2025 Magazine

Flute Almanac proudly presents its Winter 2025 Edition, a tribute to the artistry, history, and innovation of the global flute community. With contributions from 14 authors across 9 countries, this issue invites readers to explore diverse perspectives and inspiring stories that span centuries and continents. In This Edition Sir James Galway’s 85th BirthdayThis special edition celebrates the legendary Sir…

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Flute Almanac Fall 2024 Magazine

We are excited to present the first edition of Flute Almanac, the successor to The Babel Flute, continuing its mission of being a free and open platform that brings together a global community of flutists. In this inaugural edition, we are proud to feature 13 international authors from 9 different countries, showcasing a wide array of perspectives on the flute….

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Thank you for these three years!

Dear Contributors, Loyal Readers and Supporters, With heavy hearts, we have come to the end of our beloved magazine. After 3 years of intense hard work and tremendous growth of the project, The Babel Flute founders have decided to part ways, leading to the difficult decision to end the project. We want to express our deepest gratitude to each…

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Edition XI

Dear flutists and flute enthusiasts, We’re celebrating the 3rd year anniversary of the most unique and innovative project in the flute world with the release of the 11th edition of The Babel Flute! Explore 21 new articles covering a wide variety of topics. This edition features 5 new authors, bringing the total number of contributors to 94 from 30…

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“The Magic Flute” of Mikael Tariverdiev

by Yulia Berry Composer Mikael Tariverdiev’s talent emerged early: he wrote his first ballet at the age of 13, and his student works were performed at the same concert as compositions by Prokofiev. Tariverdiev’s songs and musical themes are heard in classic Soviet cinema, such as “Seventeen Moments of Spring” and “The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!”…

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Антон Кушнiр Національні об’єднання флейтистів існують багато десятиліть –  «DEUTSCHE GESELLSCHAFT FÜR FLÖTE e.V. (DGF)», «BRITISH FLUTE SOCIETY (BFS)» та ін. Вони започатковують фестивалі та конкурси, мають власні видання, співпрацюють з провідними виконавськими колективами та навчальними закладами. Але головне те, що вони взаємодіють між собою. Можна говорити про те, що нині створена система комунікації флейтових організацій Європи. Для українських…

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I promessi sposi: ritratti musicali

di Onorio Zaralli NOTA. In questa mia recentissima composizione la voce dell’oboe in partitura può essere sostituita, a scelta degli interpreti, con quella del flauto. Ho preferito prevedere l’oboe soltanto per un motivo eufonico: con il software di notazione musicale da me utilizzato, la qualità del suono dell’oboe risulta migliore rispetto a quella del flauto. La musica può evocare…

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Вернер Роттлер. Памяти друга.

Автор – Марина Вологдина 14 апреля исполнилось бы 85 лет со дня рождения немецкого композитора Вернера Роттлера. Мне посчастливилось познакомиться с ним в далёком 1985 году в Москве, где он находился в качестве туриста. А я, тогда студентка консерватории, часто приезжала туда к родственникам. Во время одной из прогулок сильнейший ливень захватил врасплох. Недолго думая, влетаю в стоящий поблизости…

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