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Voices of the Masters: Bridging Baroque and Modern Flute Practice

by Francesco Belfiore BACKGROUND  In the vibrant world of flute playing, the daily practice routines of musicians are as varied as the instruments they play. From the intricate Boehm system of the modern flute to the simpler yet equally demanding baroque traverso, each instrument offers its own set of challenges and rewards.  In this article, we embark on a…

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Principessa Anna Amalia di Prussia (1723-1787): Compositrice e Mecenate 

di Vilma Campitelli Abstract Principessa, compositrice e badessa. Sorella minore del Re Federico II di Prussia, fin da piccola amava la musica ma la sua istruzione fu possibile solo dopo la morte del padre. In età matura inizia lo studio della composizione con J. Ph. Kirnberger, allievo di Bach e compone sonate, corali, brani cameristici, marce che purtroppo, in…

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Theobald Böhm as a Flute Maker

by Ludwig Böhm, great-great-grandson ***We continue the publication of a series of articles by Ludwig Böhm from“Commemorative Writing on the occasion of Theobald Böhm’s 200th Birthday, Munich 1994”, gradually approaching the celebration of Theobald Böhm’s 230th birthday on April 9, 2024. 1) Professional career as a flute maker After some time of playing, Theobald Böhm became dissatisfied with his flageolet…

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Il flauto tra ragione e sentimento

di Mirella Pantano Quanto siamo consapevoli delle nostre capacità e di come funziona la nostra meravigliosa macchina dell’apprendimento? Conosciamo   tutte quelle strategie e risorse che sono indispensabili per eseguire un brano in modo efficace? Quando arriva il momento in cui il linguaggio musicale diventa parte della nostra natura, espressione fisica e emotiva oltre che intellettuale? Oggi, in questo…

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Testate artigianali per flauto “OFZ – Zaralli”

L’idea di un flautista per i flautisti di Onorio Zaralli A metà degli anni Novanta, durante un soggiorno estivo sulle Dolomiti, ebbi un’intuizione improvvisa… Passeggiavo sui sentieri dei boschi di abete, proprio lì, dove Antonio Stradivari si recava per scegliere gli alberi da cui ricavare il legno per i suoi violini. Sono stato sempre affascinato dal legno, dagli oggetti…

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100 лет наставничества или История одного путешествия

Автор: Лидия Фоменко ПРИГЛАШЕНИЕ В конце октября я получила приглашение от выпускника нашей кафедры Ирека Равиловича Исангужина принять участие в праздновании 100 летия духового оркестра города Белорецка, которым он руководит. Череда обычных дел как то затушевала значимость события, но когда мы уже ехали в такси с коллегами по кафедре, то вдруг увидели яркую радугу в ноябрьском небе, словно сама…

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Open Questions in the Theobald Böhm Research

by Ludwig Böhm (1.12.2023) ***We continue the publication of a series of articles by Ludwig Böhm from“Commemorative Writing on the occasion of Theobald Böhm’s 200th Birthday, Munich 1994”, gradually approaching the celebration of Theobald Böhm’s 230th birthday in 2024. 1) Where is the original of Theobald’s flute workshop book, which was copied by Anna Böhm (workshop Theobald Böhm) and Dr….

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“Marcahuasi” Op. 10 para flauta sola

Música para flauta sola latinoamericana por Manuel Carranza Cueto La flauta, como bien sabemos, es un instrumento musical de viento cuya característica principal es ejecutar melodías. Desde tiempos inmemoriales, este instrumento ha formado parte de mitos y leyendas en diversas culturas alrededor del mundo, siendo descrito como un “instrumento divino”. Desde el libro de Génesis en la Biblia, hasta…

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X Edition

Dear flutists and flute enthusiasts, We are happy to announce the release of the 10th edition of The Babel Flute! Explore 25 new articles covering many diverse topics. This edition introduces 7 new contributors and includes Turkey as a new country, bringing the total contributors to 89 from 30 countries! With our distinctive one-click translation feature, the entire platform…

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