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Флейта и мандолина – ювелирная редкость в камерной музыке / Flute and mandolin – a jewel rarity in chamber music

Наталья Марашова В моей концертной практике имеется обширный опыт камерных составов с участием мандолины. В основном это широко распространенные классические составы, например мандолина и фортепиано, мандолина и струнные или, один из самых часто встречающихся (если применительно к мандолине вообще можно употребить слово «часто»), мандолина и гитара, прототипом которых стали составы с солирующим инструментом и сопровождением. Однако, сама по себе…

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Международный Киевский Флейтовый Фестиваль: традиции и новации / International Kyiv Flute Festival

Антон Кушнир Международный Киевский Флейтовый Фестиваль – новый проект открытый для сотрудничества! Приглашаем Вас окунуться в мир флейты и разделить с нами радость сотворчества! Все чаще мы сталкиваемся с проблемой, с ситуацией, когда в условиях пандемии и эпидемиологических ограничений исполнители академической музыки вынуждены бороться за право заниматься своей профессией и доказывать ее необходимость. Многие концерты не состоялись, регулярно проводимые,…

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Flute, one of the finest and most sensitive musical instruments

by Amin Kashanchi Why the flute needs so much maintenance and repair? A pianist needs a piano technician only when the piano gets out of tune. A guitarist meets with a technician only to fix a broken guitar. Most of the brass instrument players know how to fix the problems of their instruments by themselves.But for the woodwinds, and…

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Esiste una “etica interpretativa”?

di Onorio Zaralli E’ una questione delicata, ma troppo fondamentale per non essere affrontata.Partiamo da una dichiarazione di Arturo Toscanini: a chi gli chiese, un giorno, “Maestro, qual è il suo stile?”, Toscanini rispose “Il mio stile è quello degli autori che dirigo: Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven”. Perfetto. Il punto è proprio questo: il musicista ha un dovere “etico”, quello…

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I Edition

Dear flutists, we are introducting the First Edition of The Babel Flute, created by flutists from all over the world! Read all articles in any language with just one click on the translation button at the top of the website. 1st Edition *The music used in the video is Fantasia No.5 by G.F.Telemann, recorded by Onorio Zaralli on the…

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Audacity, un software per l’editing audio / Audacity, a software for audio editing

di Onorio Zaralli Tra i tanti programmi realizzati appositamente per l’audio editing quello che proponiamo è gratuito, semplice da usare e molto efficace: si chiama AUDACITY. Vediamo di scoprirne insieme le principali funzioni. Questa è l’interfaccia con la quale il programma si presenta; accertiamoci che, dall’elenco a discesa sulla destra, sia selezionata la voce “volume mic”. In effetti, altre…

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The Magic Flute – Solo Flute Piece by C. Berens

by Michael Lynn During the 19thC, there were 100s, even 1,000s of popular opera arrangements published for the flute. These operas, and their themes were the most popular “classical music” of the day. As soon as an opera became popular, many pieces derived from the operas were available at the local music shops. This type of flute music was…

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Add a Vintage Flute to your Repertoire!

by Alan Weiss Many flutists have been finding value in playing and understanding traversos and simple system flutes for 18th and early 19th century compositions. Playing these instruments adds insight to period style and performance practices. The same should be said of 19th and 20th century early Böhm system flutes. Flute playing and flute -making have evolved since the…

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TOP 5 strategies to trick Lazy Giovannis and Tired Suzies into playing

by Aiva Elsina Oh, teaching, TEACHING! “What a wonderful job!” I usually hear people saying when I mention my profession. Yes, we teachers have an important task to shape our students’ lives, to teach them discipline, concentration, sensibility, and many other indispensable skills. It is rewarding to see them progress with time, becoming better musicians and developing their own…

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