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Как увеличить эффективность вашей работы на 200%?

The reasons for our inefficiency, of course, are many, and each has its own. Someone is doing great, but is afraid of the stage, someone’s parents were constantly compared with others, as a result, a person cannot fully enjoy their results, trying to do everything perfectly, someone does not have the energy and strength to work until the result,…

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Anna Bon (1738 – dopo 1767) Una compositrice veneziana del XVIII secolo / Anna Bon – a Venetian composer of the XVIII century

di Vilma Campitelli Anna Bon, virtuosa, cantante e compositrice veneziana del XVIII secolo. Un raro esempio di professionista alle corti Europee del ‘700.Compone pagine per flauto, per voce e per clavicembalo piene di quello spirito fresco e giovane in grado di anticipare stili e tempi. La sua unica biografia si evince dai frontespizi e dalle dediche apposte nelle tre…

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Mitologia e spiritualità

di Marco Felicioni Il fascino e l’importanza del flauto sono ben conosciuti e apprezzati in molte culture. È risaputo che questo strumento è associato ad alcune delle più importanti divinità e non sarebbe divenuto e nominato “flauto magico” senza la lunga storia di credenze e leggende. Proprio in Europa, uno dei flauti più rappresentativi prende il nome dal dio…

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Секреты эффективных занятий (Часть 1)

Бывало ли у вас так, что начинаешь заниматься/работать, и у вас такое колличество различных задач и столько всего нужно сделать, что становится страшно даже приступить, не знаешь за что схватиться, с чего начать и сколько это займет времени?

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Флейта в творчестве трёх поколений Моцартов / Flute In The Works Of Three Generations of Mozarts

«Вечный солнечный свет в музыке – имя тебе Моцарт!» – так сказал Антон Рубинштейн о великом австрийском композиторе, чьё имя стало синонимом гениальности. Но родись Вольфганг Амадей Моцарт в семье, скажем, мясника или лесника, узнал бы мир о нём? Верится с трудом…

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The Structure of Music Language

Excerpt from Onorio Zaralli’s book “Playing with the soul” ©2017 In the dictionary, under the term “structure” we read: a ” constructed from several parts” entity, or even, “the arrangement of and relations between the parts or elements of something complex.” The musical language is seen therefore, as “the set of structural elements placed in relation to each other.”…

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Common Posture Mistakes

Holding the instrument With a length of about 67/70 Centimeters, the flute has an average weight of 300/350 grams. The wooden flutes have a higher weight due to the thickness of the tube which, in this case, is between 3 and 4 mm, against 0.4 to 0.5 mm thickness of metal tubes. A weight and a size are not…

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