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Flute, one of the finest and most sensitive musical instruments

by Amin Kashanchi Why the flute needs so much maintenance and repair? A pianist needs a piano technician only when the piano gets out of tune. A guitarist meets with a technician only to fix a broken guitar. Most of the brass instrument players know how to fix the problems of their instruments by themselves.But for the woodwinds, and…

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Esiste una “etica interpretativa”?

di Onorio Zaralli E’ una questione delicata, ma troppo fondamentale per non essere affrontata.Partiamo da una dichiarazione di Arturo Toscanini: a chi gli chiese, un giorno, “Maestro, qual è il suo stile?”, Toscanini rispose “Il mio stile è quello degli autori che dirigo: Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven”. Perfetto. Il punto è proprio questo: il musicista ha un dovere “etico”, quello…

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I Edition

Dear flutists, we are introducting the First Edition of The Babel Flute, created by flutists from all over the world! Read all articles in any language with just one click on the translation button at the top of the website. 1st Edition *The music used in the video is Fantasia No.5 by G.F.Telemann, recorded by Onorio Zaralli on the…

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Audacity, un software per l’editing audio / Audacity, a software for audio editing

di Onorio Zaralli Tra i tanti programmi realizzati appositamente per l’audio editing quello che proponiamo è gratuito, semplice da usare e molto efficace: si chiama AUDACITY. Vediamo di scoprirne insieme le principali funzioni. Questa è l’interfaccia con la quale il programma si presenta; accertiamoci che, dall’elenco a discesa sulla destra, sia selezionata la voce “volume mic”. In effetti, altre…

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Секреты эффективных занятий (Часть 1)

Бывало ли у вас так, что начинаешь заниматься/работать, и у вас такое колличество различных задач и столько всего нужно сделать, что становится страшно даже приступить, не знаешь за что схватиться, с чего начать и сколько это займет времени?

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Флейта в творчестве трёх поколений Моцартов / Flute In The Works Of Three Generations of Mozarts

«Вечный солнечный свет в музыке – имя тебе Моцарт!» – так сказал Антон Рубинштейн о великом австрийском композиторе, чьё имя стало синонимом гениальности. Но родись Вольфганг Амадей Моцарт в семье, скажем, мясника или лесника, узнал бы мир о нём? Верится с трудом…

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The Structure of Music Language

Excerpt from Onorio Zaralli’s book “Playing with the soul” ©2017 In the dictionary, under the term “structure” we read: a ” constructed from several parts” entity, or even, “the arrangement of and relations between the parts or elements of something complex.” The musical language is seen therefore, as “the set of structural elements placed in relation to each other.”…

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Common Posture Mistakes

Holding the instrument With a length of about 67/70 Centimeters, the flute has an average weight of 300/350 grams. The wooden flutes have a higher weight due to the thickness of the tube which, in this case, is between 3 and 4 mm, against 0.4 to 0.5 mm thickness of metal tubes. A weight and a size are not…

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