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Вернер Роттлер. Памяти друга.

Автор – Марина Вологдина 14 апреля исполнилось бы 85 лет со дня рождения немецкого композитора Вернера Роттлера. Мне посчастливилось познакомиться с ним в далёком 1985 году в Москве, где он находился в качестве туриста. А я, тогда студентка консерватории, часто приезжала туда к родственникам. Во время одной из прогулок сильнейший ливень захватил врасплох. Недолго думая, влетаю в стоящий поблизости…

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Considerazioni ed Ipotesi fisio-acustiche nell’interazione tra il flautista ed il suo strumento

di Marco Gaudino Per una più semplice comprensione del seguente articolo si consiglia di leggere gli articoli di Marco pubblicati nei numeri precedenti. Vedi articoli Marco Gaudino: Il tubo del flauto, di qualunque materiale sia composto è un tubo sonoro aperto, in quanto la colonna d’aria in esso contenuta si pone in diretto contatto con l’aria circostante anche e…

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Can I Fix My Own Flute?

By Rachael Simon, with contributions from Kimberley Jurens Whenever anyone asks about fixing their flute themselves, their question is typically met with at least these two different types of replies:   Both of these sentiments are well meaning.  I equally agree and disagree with both.  Here’s my response: “Since flutes are delicate instruments with many interrelated parts and sensitive adjustments,…

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A magyar fuvolázás elmúlt kétszáz éve és európai beágyazódása

Új könyv a magyar fuvolázás történetéről Czeloth-Csetényi Gyula Könyvünk 2022 decemberében jelent meg, és az első olyan anyag, amely kísérletet tesz a magyar fuvolaművészet történetének és jelenségeinek összefoglalására az utóbbi kétszáz évben. Korábban ilyen könyv nem született a mi országunkban, ebben a vonatkozásban mindenképp áttörés a magyar fuvolakultúra kutatásának területén.  A csaknem ötszáz oldalas kötet két elhivatott fuvolaművész, Mr….

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Fluting Across Screens: A Recap of ‘The Babel Flute Days’ Global Flute Convention 2023

by The Babel Flute team From September 19 to 24, the digital realm became the stage for a unique musical odyssey for the second year (Read our report in 2022)! “The Babel Flute Days” celebrated the rich history of the flute, its diverse repertoire, and the global flute community, set to take place online in the mesmerizing backdrop of…

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Recovering from an injury

A retrospective around a flutist’s individual experience By Patrícia Fernandes Pires It’s not uncommon to see a musician suffer from injuries related to their playing. In 2017 I also suffered a very serious injury in my right hand that led me to stop playing and interrupt my master studies. When a musician gets injured, it presents an existential threat….

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From Bach to Bot: Exploring the AI Revolution in Music Creation and Performance

Can AI-generated music truly be considered art, or does it lack the emotional depth that comes from human experience? by Yulia Berry AI technologies are becoming a major part of every industry in 2023. This trend has caught the attention of creative individuals, such as writers, artists, painters, and musicians, who are now questioning whether AI might eventually replace…

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KING MIDAS in a New Genre: Storytelling Flute Theater

by Yulia Berry and Onorio Zaralli THE STORY OF KING MIDAS King Midas, a prominent figure in ancient Greek mythology, is renowned for his ill-fated decisions. One memorable instance involves his wish to the god Dionysus for the ability to turn everything he touched into gold. Initially elated, Midas soon regretted his request. In another myth, Midas demonstrated his…

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