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I promessi sposi: ritratti musicali

di Onorio Zaralli NOTA. In questa mia recentissima composizione la voce dell’oboe in partitura può essere sostituita, a scelta degli interpreti, con quella del flauto. Ho preferito prevedere l’oboe soltanto per un motivo eufonico: con il software di notazione musicale da me utilizzato, la qualità del suono dell’oboe risulta migliore rispetto a quella del flauto. La musica può evocare…

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Вернер Роттлер. Памяти друга.

Автор – Марина Вологдина 14 апреля исполнилось бы 85 лет со дня рождения немецкого композитора Вернера Роттлера. Мне посчастливилось познакомиться с ним в далёком 1985 году в Москве, где он находился в качестве туриста. А я, тогда студентка консерватории, часто приезжала туда к родственникам. Во время одной из прогулок сильнейший ливень захватил врасплох. Недолго думая, влетаю в стоящий поблизости…

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Considerazioni ed Ipotesi fisio-acustiche nell’interazione tra il flautista ed il suo strumento

di Marco Gaudino Per una più semplice comprensione del seguente articolo si consiglia di leggere gli articoli di Marco pubblicati nei numeri precedenti. Vedi articoli Marco Gaudino: Il tubo del flauto, di qualunque materiale sia composto è un tubo sonoro aperto, in quanto la colonna d’aria in esso contenuta si pone in diretto contatto con l’aria circostante anche e…

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Can I Fix My Own Flute?

By Rachael Simon, with contributions from Kimberley Jurens Whenever anyone asks about fixing their flute themselves, their question is typically met with at least these two different types of replies:   Both of these sentiments are well meaning.  I equally agree and disagree with both.  Here’s my response: “Since flutes are delicate instruments with many interrelated parts and sensitive adjustments,…

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Fuvolás sorsok a 20. századi Magyarországon

Viktória Ozsvárt – Gyula Czeloth-Csetényi A vizsgálódásom súlypontja az 1945 és 1970 közötti két és fél évtized, amely sokoldalúan feltérképezett időszaka a 20. század magyar zenetörténetének. Számos zenetörténeti munka foglalkozott már korábban a Szovjetunió Kommunista Pártja Központi Bizottságának 1948-as határozata nyomán Magyarországon is megkezdődő „szovjetizálódás”, valamint az 1956-os magyar forradalom után végbemenő kádári konszolidáció kultúrára és zeneszerzésre kifejtett hatásával….

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In Two Minds: Duo Menurida

New album by Australian flautist Laura Chislett and composer Edward Cowie Despite three decades apart, renowned Australian flautist Laura Chislett and composer Edward Cowie, with their instruments as extensions of thought, craft a rich tapestry of sonic colours and inventive possibilities. This profound ritual of spontaneous outpourings invites listeners on an immersive journey, experiencing the direct transmission of sensory…

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Crafting Musical Narratives: A Flutist’s Journey into Podcasting Wisdom

By Dr. Heidi Kay Begay In the ever-evolving world of music, finding new avenues to enhance our artistry becomes both a quest and a necessity. As a modern-day flutist, my unexpected venture into podcasting has illuminated aspects of music-making, enriching my approach to expression and connection. Today, let’s explore how delving into podcasting can be a transformative ally for…

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Solving Breathing Issues: the Power of Self Concept

by Lea Pearson This lesson took place in the context of a group, the Transformational Teacher Training Program. While the program is centered around pedagogy, we also offer master class opportunities for the teachers to work on their own issues. This student had been wanting for some time to address breathing.  Dr. P is myself, T is the student. This adult has…

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Il flautista e la forza trasformatrice della musica d’insieme

Come dirti tutto senza parlare di Mirella Pantano Il flautista e la forza trasformatrice della musica d’insieme “come dirti tutto senza parlare”. Mirella Pantano La musica è il linguaggio magico dei sentimenti, non voglio con questo fare della retorica, ma affermare solamente l’ineluttabile importanza di questa arte millenaria e meravigliosa. La musica è dunque un linguaggio universale, un linguaggio…

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Τhe medieval transverse flute between Western Europe and Byzantium

Dimitris Kountouras, Dr, M.Music Very few things are known to us about the transverse flute in Europe during the Middle Ages. No instruments survive and no specific mention in the repertoire indicates the flute. Our only sources are iconography and literature. According to scholars, the flute came to the West from Byzantium. We have written references already in 7th…

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