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International Babel Flute Days – 2022

by Yulia Berry The Babel Flute turned exactly one year old! But what is exactly The Babel Flute? The Babel Flute is a multilingual platform where flutists from many countries share their unique research and articles with the global flute community. The platform offers instant and exceptional quality translations in over 100 languages ​​and aims to connect flute players…

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Low Flutes

by Stefan Keller The fascination of low flutes is something that has been haunting me for nearly thirty years. What really sets this fascination are the deep “slow” vibrations, the “sonorous sound”, the “resonance” of the different sized tubes, and the unbelievable sonority. In the following text I introduce the individual low flutes from my very personal point of…

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Il Duduk: un dono di Dio

Il suono dell’anima armena di Anush Naroyan L’Armenia è un paese antico: la sua cultura, così come le sue tradizioni, vantano una storia millenaria. Basterebbe evocare alcuni nomi: il monte Ararat, il lago Sevan… Già presente sulla mappa babilonese del V secolo a.C., il nome “Arminia” è menzionato per la prima volta dal re persiano Dario I (522 –…

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V Edition

Dear flutists, We would like to introduce the 5th edition of The Babel Flute! We thank our authors for their incredible articles in which they share their knowledge, experience and talents! This is a truly international magazine, created by flutists from all over the world! 10 new authors have joined us in this edition! We are so happy to…

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Connecting with Shanghai, and four new works for flute

by Laura Chislett Accomplished Australian classical and contemporary flute player Laura Chislett reflects on her performances of five recent works of composers Xu Yifan, Anwar Wajidi, Shihui Cui, Lanqing Ding and Liza Lim. Tumbleweed, Moaning, Silence and The Shadow of Flowers: the scheduling of this two-year projectwas extremely fortuitous, though of course I didn’t know this at the time….

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