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by The Babel Flute team During Spring 2022 semester, some of the school students have been working on a review essay to enter the Best Review of an Article contest promoted and sponsored by The Babel Flute International Flute Magazine. CONTEST The idea belongs to Manuel Domingo Carranza Cueto, The Babel Flute Regional Director for South America! The aim…

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Holograms: the future of performance

by Yulia Berry The hologram concert revolution is here whether you like it or not. Over the past 20 years, holographic technology used in concerts has been booming! Technology is an important element in attracting the younger generation to classical music as opposed to gaudy art. And some companies and musicians are pioneering the use of this amazing technology…

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RealStage: un nuovo compagno di studi

di Gian Marco Verdone Studio solitario? Abbiamo un “piano”! Durante la mia esperienza come Maestro Collaboratore presso l’Accademia del Flauto “Glauco Cambursano” (Fondazione Accademia Internazionale di Imola “Incontri con il Maestro”) non ho potuto fare a meno di notare la grande utilità ed efficacia di uno studio coadiuvato dall’utilizzo del pianoforte, già dai primi esercizi di warm up, sonorità…

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Эстетические предпочтения Карла Филиппа Эммануила Баха

Автор: Ирина Стачинская На примере I и II частей сонаты для флейты соло A-Moll Аннотация: В данной статье рассматривается связь искусства риторики со стилистикой сочинений, созданных в эпоху барокко. На примере I и II частей сонаты для флейты a-moll Ф. Э. Баха прослеживается роль риторических фигур в формировании выразительности её художественного содержания. Представленное исследование имеет целью подчёркнуть важность для…

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Its Highness – Piccolo! 

By Snježana Pavićević Zašto bi svaki flautista trebalo da svira i piccolo?  Piccolo flauta je najmanji instrument iz porodice flauta. Ali, iako mali veličinom, zahteva veliku posvećenost I pažnju želimo li od njega dobiti ono najbolje.  Sve do unazad par decenija, ovaj mali instrument bio je uglavnom upotrebljavan kao dodatak grupi flauta u orkestrima, koji proširuje njihov ukupan opseg…

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Mozart, Concerto in Sol Maggiore KV 313 – Profilo estetico e stile esecutivo

di Onorio Zaralli Il Concerto in Sol Magg. KV 313 non è certamente tra i lavori migliori di Mozart, ma rappresenta uno dei massimi capolavori della letteratura flautistica di ogni tempo. W. A. Mozart, Concerto in Sol Maggiore KV 313 per flauto e Orchestra (cadenze di Onorio Zaralli) Gianluca Vanzelli, flauto solista – Mihnea Ignat, direttore – Timisoara National…

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Music, Wonderful Music

by Helen Campo It’s the beginning of May – an average overcast morning in New York City, and I’m gazing out the window by my dining table drinking a cup of fennel tea, distractedly twirling my favorite oat breakfast cookie between my fingers. I notice, yet barely, the overlapping walls of brick, visible from the back of my apartment…

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Appoggio and the Art and Science of Bel Canto Flute Pedagogy

by Robert Cart This article introduces flutists to the imagery and physiological concepts of vocal pedagogy as presented by the great masters of bel canto singing (Lamperti, Garcia, Miller, et al), integrated with pedagogical approaches of the French school of flute playing as taught by Taffenel, Gaubert, Moyse, et al.  The bel canto principles of appoggio, portamento, and messa…

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Florence Beatrice Price (1887-1953)

Una compositrice afroamericana col pseudonimo di Vee Jay di Vilma Campitelli Abstract  Compositrice, educatrice, organista e pianista afroamericana. É stata la prima donna di colore ad essere riconosciuta come autrice di musica classica ed avere una sua sinfonia eseguita dalla una delle principali orchestre statunitensi. La sua musica è in uno stile tardo romantico e fa un uso considerevole…

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