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Tecnica”mente”: la psicocinestesia nel flauto traverso

Mirella Pantano Siamo di nuovo qui a parlare di psicocinestetica flautistica, dopo il mio articolo          precedente vorrei continuare il nostro viaggio affrontando quello che ritengo sia il motore fondamentale di ciascun apprendimento, il Capire, entrare nell’essenza delle cose, scoprire e dominarne i meccanismi. La mia curiosità si è spinta sempre oltre, sin dall’inizio del mio…

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I principi di aerodinamica che regolano la produzione del suono nel flauto e negli strumenti a fiato

Sound is an acoustic phenomenon, i.e. audible to the ear, produced by the periodic vibrations of an elastic body. Which is the elastic body that produces the sound in a violin or a guitar is easy to say: the strings that compose them are stressed by the performers. How is the sound produced instead in the instrument?
What is the…

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5th International Theobald Böhm Competition for Flute and Alto Flute

The 5th International Theobald Böhm Competition for Flute and Alto Flute will take place from Monday 7 March to Wednesday 10 March 2022 in the Kleiner Konzertsaal of the Hochschule für Musik und Theater München in the Arcisstraße 12. The entrance to the competition and to the winner’s concert on 10 March 2022 at 18.00 is free.

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S. Prokofiev, Sonata in Re Magg. op. 94

This Sonata was written in Alma Ata during the painful years of the Second World War. Performed for the first time in 1943 by the flutist Charkovsky, “accompanied” on the piano by Sviatoslav Richter, the composer subsequently made a version for violin and piano, in collaboration with David Oistrakh. The piece still represents today an authentic masterpiece of the…

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