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Editors’ Choice
In this category we will publish articles that are chosen by the editors from any category of The Babel Flute or those that do not fit into the existing categories.
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In this category we will publish articles that are chosen by the editors from any category of The Babel Flute or those that do not fit into the existing categories.
“Speed” or “Velocity” is the dream of every flutist or player, because speed is a dazzling skill with a great appeal on listeners.“Speed” depends – mostly – on the mechanical action of our fingers. So, at first, we must exactly know what “fingers action” means. On the flute, the fingers do two different, contrary actions: • closing action; •…
Ma possiamo realizzarlo, seguendo un itinerario adeguato. Consideriamo questi tre livelli di performanc esecuzione;interpretazione;rivelazione. Il primo livello è rappresentato dall’esecuzione. Per arrivarci, occorrono quelle abilità che fanno del musicista un “virtuoso”, capace di esprimere al massimo grado tutte le possibilità del proprio strumento.Ascoltare un virtuoso in concerto si prova un senso di meraviglia, si resta, come si usa dire,…
In this category we will publish articles that are related to flute in all kinds of multimedia. Multimedia is an interactive media and provides multiple ways to represent information to the user in a powerful manner.
We can achieve it by following a suitable itinerary and by taking these three levels of performance into consideration: * playing;* interpretation;* revelation. The first level is represented by playing. To get there, we need those skills that make a musician a “Virtuoso”: capable of expressing the highest degree of all possibilities of their instrument. While listening to a…
An anthology of 21 flute solo songs inspired by the characters and themes from the Old and New TestamentsInstant digital download of the score. WFA Edition. ORDER The Bible Flute: an anthology of 21 flute solo songs inspired by the characters and themes from the Old and New Testaments. The Creation, The Song of Songs, Salome, Temptations, Via Crucis,…
In this video Onorio Zaralli talks about playing harmonics for lips to improve the focus and quality of the sound and learn to control better our embouchure.
In this category we will publish articles about ensemble flute music and performance. We will also talk about repertoire for flute solo and various kinds of ensembles.
In this category we will publish articles about composers from different periods in music history, a research on their heritage and importance, and also composers’ biographies.
In this category we will publish important news and information about flute events. They will be sub-categorized by the World regions for easier navigation.