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Female composers from down under, flute works, 1960s – 2000s

by Laura Chislett Australians love to move. Many of us spend weekends in The Great Outdoors participating in sport or simply experiencing the beauty of the natural world. The aural representation of landscape became a central theme of Australian composition from the mid 20th century onwards; likewise, the incorporation of elements from the cultures to our north. Toru Takemitsu…

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Elsa Jaqueline Barraine: Ritratto di una compositrice della Résistence francese

di Vilma Campitelli ELSA JAQUELINE BARRAINE (1910-1999) – compositrice, umanista, la donna delle giuste cause e dei combattimenti. Non desiderava altro che equità e libertà per tutti dimostrando che questa scelta, anche se aveva vincoli e rinunce, era possibile. Elsa ci offre una meditazione sulla vita preferendo agli onori effimeri, una vita dedicata, limpida e realizzata….

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Female Composers from Down Under: flute works, from 1900 – 1956

by Laura Chislett The Concertino by Cécile Chaminade (France 1857 – 1944) must surely rank as the most widely performed flute piece by a female composer. It was the 1902 Paris Conservatoire annual test piece. Chaminade was not the only female French composer of that era: in fact you could say that there was a cluster of French female…

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