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Flute Almanac Spring 2025 Magazine

As we step into a new season, we celebrate the continued growth and success of Flute Almanac. Flutists from all corners of the world turn to our platform for news, insights, and inspiration, making it a truly global and inclusive space for flute lovers. Unlike other platforms and magazines that require memberships or subscriptions, Flute Almanac remains completely free—ensuring…

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Communicate with confidence

by Rik Noyce, D.M.A. As a University professor and life coach, I often find both students and clients searching for the seemingly illusive state of confidence – wanting to know how to summon it, maximize it, and maintain it.  But, what is confidence? Why do so many budding performers feel its absence? What are we actually seeking when we look for…

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Solving Breathing Issues: the Power of Self Concept

by Lea Pearson This lesson took place in the context of a group, the Transformational Teacher Training Program. While the program is centered around pedagogy, we also offer master class opportunities for the teachers to work on their own issues. This student had been wanting for some time to address breathing.  Dr. P is myself, T is the student. This adult has…

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Welcome to the Big Pond: some advice for first-year college students

By Michelle Barraclough As a flute professor, the beginning of the fall college semester is an exciting time for me. I enjoy reuniting with the upper-level students and welcoming the new students. The campus environment is full of fresh experiences: meeting people who may be very different from you, living independently without a parent’s guidance, and managing time well….

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Mozart, Concerto in Sol Maggiore KV 313 – Profilo estetico e stile esecutivo

di Onorio Zaralli Il Concerto in Sol Magg. KV 313 non è certamente tra i lavori migliori di Mozart, ma rappresenta uno dei massimi capolavori della letteratura flautistica di ogni tempo. W. A. Mozart, Concerto in Sol Maggiore KV 313 per flauto e Orchestra (cadenze di Onorio Zaralli) Gianluca Vanzelli, flauto solista – Mihnea Ignat, direttore – Timisoara National…

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Appoggio and the Art and Science of Bel Canto Flute Pedagogy

by Robert Cart This article introduces flutists to the imagery and physiological concepts of vocal pedagogy as presented by the great masters of bel canto singing (Lamperti, Garcia, Miller, et al), integrated with pedagogical approaches of the French school of flute playing as taught by Taffenel, Gaubert, Moyse, et al.  The bel canto principles of appoggio, portamento, and messa…

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Основы игры на флейте. Часть 2. Дыхание.

Автор – Илья Дворецкий В предыдущей статье мы обсудили то, как стоять, как держать флейту и варианты выставления головки относительно корпуса: Основы игры на флейте. Часть 1. Постановка Теперь самое время поговорить об ещё одном базовом навыке – дыхании.Наше дыхание, это то, с чем мы рождаемся и то, что незримо сопровождает нас всю жизнь. Поэтому зачастую, мы не акцентируем…

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Aktive SchülerInnen, ein Wunschtraum jeder Lehrperson?

Ein Plädoyer für schüleraktivierenden Instrumentalunterricht Von lic. phil. Renate Lemmer Schönenberger Kennen Sie diese drei Situationen? Die SchülerIn ist wortkarg und antriebslos … Sie als Lehrperson sind überaktiv und versuchen krampfhaft, die SchülerIn zu motivieren … nach dem Unterricht sind Sie erschöpft und ausgelaugt. Oder: Die SchülerIn möchte der Lehrperson alles recht machen … sie hat keine eigene Meinung…

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