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FLAUTANDO – Boswil: a famous flute event in Switzerland since 1999

FLAUTANDO will take place on Saturday, 5 Nov. 2022 in Boswil, the «place of the flute». «Focus Flute» With the title «Focus Flute», FLAUTANDO Boswil invites you to an extremely colourful flute day on 5 November 2022 with a top-class line-up of flutists. www.flautando.ch Flautando is aimed at professionals, students as well as amateurs and lovers of this fascinating…

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El tacto y la flauta

Marcelo Alvarez Introducción ¨…Nada hay en el intelecto que no haya entrado por los sentidos…¨ Aristóteles De esta frase de Aristóteles podemos deducir que el conocimiento es estimulado a partir de la acción de los sentidos, pero si nos referimos a la música, cuando y porque medios conocemos a nuestro instrumento?  Que sentidos se ponen en funcionamiento para permitir…

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Focus! Regulating states of being to improve learning

by Robert Cart Inspired by the bel canto school of singing, and based in principals of neuroscience, this article introduces flutists to basic physiological concepts of autonomic arousal.  By utilizing the suggested protocols, the flutist can leverage the autonomic nervous system to improve learning, memorization, and performance.  The great bel canto vocal instructor, Giovanni Battista Lamperti, referred to the…

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by Stefan Keller Improvisation breaks through all language barriers and enables us to have a dialogue about our instrument, solo, in a duo, in a trio, etc.. This does not require any previous knowledge, only the willingness to enter new territory. I am talking about free improvisation with no rules. However, a few agreements help to prevent the whole…

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Interview with Enrico Sartori

by Yulia Berry Enrico Sartori is a great Italian conductor and wonderful flautist. For the past few years, he has been a flute professor, conductor and vocal teacher at the Northeast Normal University (China). He is also Principal Conductor of the Jilin Youth Baroque Orchestra and Artistic Director of Bella Culture Media, ltd. Enrico Sartori has been an active…

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F. Schubert – Introduzione, tema e variazioni op. 160

“Fiori appassiti” Voi, fiorellini tutti, che lei mi dava, dovrete esser deposti con me nella tomba. Perché mi guardate così tristi, come se conosceste la mia pena? Voi, fiorellini, perché così pallidi ed appassiti, voi, fiorellini, perché così bagnati? Ahimè, le lacrime non fanno rinverdire, non fanno rifiorire l’amore morto, e verrà la primavera, passerà l’inverno, e fiorellini compariranno…

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I flauti di tradizione cinese

di Marco Felicioni Nell’estremo oriente si concentra maggiormente la presenza del valore spirituale ed evocativo della musica e del flauto; la considerazione delle qualità speciali dei suoni per l’antico popolo cinese era talmente alta che si attribuiva alla musica la capacità di contribuire a mantenere tutti gli esseri in perfetto accordo con l’armonia cosmica. Così il sovrano dell’antica Cina,…

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