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“The Magic Flute” of Mikael Tariverdiev

by Yulia Berry Composer Mikael Tariverdiev’s talent emerged early: he wrote his first ballet at the age of 13, and his student works were performed at the same concert as compositions by Prokofiev. Tariverdiev’s songs and musical themes are heard in classic Soviet cinema, such as “Seventeen Moments of Spring” and “The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!”…

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I promessi sposi: ritratti musicali

di Onorio Zaralli NOTA. In questa mia recentissima composizione la voce dell’oboe in partitura può essere sostituita, a scelta degli interpreti, con quella del flauto. Ho preferito prevedere l’oboe soltanto per un motivo eufonico: con il software di notazione musicale da me utilizzato, la qualità del suono dell’oboe risulta migliore rispetto a quella del flauto. La musica può evocare…

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Principessa Anna Amalia di Prussia (1723-1787): Compositrice e Mecenate 

di Vilma Campitelli Abstract Principessa, compositrice e badessa. Sorella minore del Re Federico II di Prussia, fin da piccola amava la musica ma la sua istruzione fu possibile solo dopo la morte del padre. In età matura inizia lo studio della composizione con J. Ph. Kirnberger, allievo di Bach e compone sonate, corali, brani cameristici, marce che purtroppo, in…

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Вернер Роттлер. Памяти друга.

Автор – Марина Вологдина 14 апреля исполнилось бы 85 лет со дня рождения немецкого композитора Вернера Роттлера. Мне посчастливилось познакомиться с ним в далёком 1985 году в Москве, где он находился в качестве туриста. А я, тогда студентка консерватории, часто приезжала туда к родственникам. Во время одной из прогулок сильнейший ливень захватил врасплох. Недолго думая, влетаю в стоящий поблизости…

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In Two Minds: Duo Menurida

New album by Australian flautist Laura Chislett and composer Edward Cowie Despite three decades apart, renowned Australian flautist Laura Chislett and composer Edward Cowie, with their instruments as extensions of thought, craft a rich tapestry of sonic colours and inventive possibilities. This profound ritual of spontaneous outpourings invites listeners on an immersive journey, experiencing the direct transmission of sensory…

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From Bach to Bot: Exploring the AI Revolution in Music Creation and Performance

Can AI-generated music truly be considered art, or does it lack the emotional depth that comes from human experience? by Yulia Berry AI technologies are becoming a major part of every industry in 2023. This trend has caught the attention of creative individuals, such as writers, artists, painters, and musicians, who are now questioning whether AI might eventually replace…

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KING MIDAS in a New Genre: Storytelling Flute Theater

by Yulia Berry and Onorio Zaralli THE STORY OF KING MIDAS King Midas, a prominent figure in ancient Greek mythology, is renowned for his ill-fated decisions. One memorable instance involves his wish to the god Dionysus for the ability to turn everything he touched into gold. Initially elated, Midas soon regretted his request. In another myth, Midas demonstrated his…

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Das Pars-pro-Toto-Spiel  |  Neue Klänge auf Teilen der Flöte

von Andreas Mazur Im Jahr 2003 erschien mein Lehrbuch mit CD „Das Pars-pro-Toto-Spiel: Neue Klänge auf Teilen der Flöte“ beim Musikverlag Zimmermann und ich konnte es auf der Frankfurter Musikmesse im selben Jahr einer internationalen Öffentlichkeit präsentieren. Hinter mir lagen 10 Jahre an Forschungsarbeit und Niederschrift des umfangreichen Manuskriptes. Was ist das Pars-pro-Toto-Spiel? Gehen wir zurück in das Jahr…

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