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Il Pastore Svizzero (The Swiss Shepherd) by Pietro Morlacchi

by Enrico Sartori Almost every flute player is familiar with Il Pastore Svizzero (The Swiss Shepherd), a short piece for flute and piano written by Pietro Morlacchi.  It’s ofter performed in flute recitals and is generally liked by the audience as well, because it is very pleasant. After a lyric introduction, there is a theme and variations where the…

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Секреты эффективных занятий для флейтистов. Часть 3.

Автор – София де Салис В этой части своей методики «Эффективных занятий» я бы хотела поговорить более подробно о системе « Ключ» Хасая Алиева и дать некоторые другие практические рекомендации для быстрой релаксации, лучшей продуктивности, избавления от страхов, более эффективной подготовки к зачетам /концертам/ экзаменам/ конкурсам, быстрым устранением последствий стресса и выхода из самых сложных стрессовых ситуаций. Как мне кажется…

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5 tips for achieving greatness and staying focused

by Ebele The Flutist This year has started well for us as we have overcome the pandemic that held the world back in 2020-21. 2022 will definitely be a great year. Don’t let the problems and challenges we’ve encountered discourage you. Seek and believe that you will make it this year. Don’t forget that you must stay focused, determined…

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IV Edition

Dear flutists, We would like to present the fourth edition of the Babel Flute, which marks one year anniversary of the project and thank all the contributors who made the new edition possible and exciting! 4th Edition In this edition there is so much of new and unique flute research, written exclusively for The Babel Flute! We would like…

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The Quantz Project

The Complete Works recorded by Benedek Csalog, Alexis Kossenko & others, on period instruments – for free download by Benedek Csalog Since the start of the Quantz project, I have received many questions about the project, and I have had to talk about this initiative in interviews and radio broadcasts. In the following, I will try to collect the…

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Psicocinestesia flautistica

Mirella Pantano Il FlautoPensiero Negli articoli precedenti mi sono soffermata sulla parte cinestetica del lavoro flautistico; vorrei in questa occasione concentrare la mia attenzione su controllo e sviluppo del pensiero. Il pensiero è un atto della nostra mente che ci permette di agire nel mondo, un processo che si esplica nella formazione di idee, concetti, ma anche della coscienza…

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How to benefit from Moyse’s Tone Developement Through Interpretation

by Cate Hummel At face value, Marcel Moyse’s Tone Development Through Interpretation seems like a hodgepodge of random melodies with little attribution and very little guidance as to where the melodies come from, what Moyse was trying to teach us, and little to no idea what we are supposed to be practicing. A lot of the confusion stems from…

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Riccardo Piacentini

L’arte dell’espressività by Francesca Cescon Il 7 aprile prossimo per la stagione concertistica Erremusica di Torino, eseguirò in prima assoluta Similare (al) fado, per flauto e pianoforte composto per l’occasione da Riccardo Piacentini. Fino ad ora avevo potuto ascoltarlo solo nelle vesti di ottimo pianista all’interno del suo Duo Alterno insieme al soprano Tiziana Scandaletti ma non avevo mai…

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 I Muscoli positivi e negativi coinvolti nella produzione del suono nel flauto e negli strumenti a fiato

di Marco Gaudino Il corretto uso dei muscoli dello strumentista nella produzione del suono nel flauto e negli strumenti a fiato è da considerarsi elemento fondamentale per la gestione della qualità del suono nei suoi parametri di sostegno, qualità timbrica e sonora, nonché nella gestione del fiato tra la sua durata, velocità, intensità del flusso emesso. Le azioni muscolari…

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