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VII Edition

Dear flutists, We are introducing a new holiday edition of The Babel Flute! We are pleased to announce that our magazine is now being read in 206 countries around the world! We have 4 new authors and 1 more country (Ecuador) in this edition, which makes it total of 61 authors from 24 countries! On November 21, we launched…

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Important lessons for flutists from Leonardo da Vinci

by Yulia Berry Leonardo da Vinci was not only a great artist, but also a great scientist, inventor and philosopher. Among his innumerable inventions are the machine gun, the mechanical knight, also called Leonardo’s robot, the parachute, the flying machine, the Ariel propeller, which outlines the idea of ​​the modern helicopter, various musical instruments, a scuba gear, which also…

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L’arte dell’ornamentazione negli adagi nel Barocco italiano

di Onorio Zaralli Tutti conosciamo i capolavori per flauto del Barocco italiano: Vivaldi, con i magnifici Concerti dell’op. X, gli altri concerti per flauto e le Sonate “Il pastor fido” (di dubbia attribuzione); Marcello, con le bellissime Sonate op. II per flauto e b.c.; e poi Veracini, Pergolesi, Scarlatti, Tartini, Albinoni, Galuppi… Una vera miniera musicale che rende eccellente…

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Professional Development for Teachers

By Lea Pearson, DMA, LBME N.B. This article is a beginning discussion about professional development. Given the worldwide nature of this publication, it is an open invitation for you, the reader, to contribute valuable resources in the comments section. Please share what is useful and effective in your country! What is professional development?  Why should we, as teachers, be…

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Celso Garrido Lecca: “Soliloquio I” para flauta sola – Vanguardia peruana

por Manuel Domingo Carranza Cueto El compositor peruano Celso Garrido-Lecca (n.1926) En el año 2000 tuvo lugar un reconocimiento muy importante a uno de los compositores peruanos más destacados de la segunda mitad del siglo XX y cuya importancia en el legado musical iberoamericano es sumamente valorada y admirada. Estamos hablando del maestro Celso Garrido-Lecca (n. 1926) quien obtuvo…

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The Electric Flute: An Introduction to Playing with Effects

By Melissa Keeling INTRODUCTION I will never forget the first time I heard my flute through effects pedals (the “electric flute”). Though I didn’t realize it at the time, that day was the beginning of a beautiful journey of creativity, exploration, and finding joy in my music-making. Without effects, I’m not sure I would still be playing the flute…

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La performance del flautista

by Mirella Pantano L’atto esecutivo nella performance musicale-strumentale costituisce l’argomento di questo mio nuovo articolo, questo perché mi sono resa conto, nei miei anni di insegnamento e professionali, che nel percorso dello studente esso è un aspetto ignorato, si lavora sulla tecnica, sull’interpretazione, su tutto ciò che concerne la musica, ma non su come si suona in pubblico e…

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