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Interview with flutist and composer Keyna Wilkins

by Laura Chislett Keyna Wilkins is a British/Australian composer-musician who was one of 3 finalists for the Australian Art Music Awards for Individual Excellence in 2018 and 2021 (APRA/AMCOS). Laura Chislett met with Keyna in Sydney, Friday 29th October, 2022 Keyna and I met up for this interview in the multi-cultural suburb of Ashfield in Sydney about one month…

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Flauta Andina

por Daniel Velasco A pesar de la vasta riqueza musical del Ecuador y las grandes obras de sus compositores, existen muy pocas grabaciones profesionales del repertorio para flauta y piano. Desde que iniciĆ© mi carrera universitaria en los Estados Unidos (2005), he tenido el deseo de grabar un Ć”lbum de mĆŗsica escrita por compositores ecuatorianos para flauta y piano…

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by Francesca Cescon Scorrendo le sue viarie e numerose composizioni per flauto, ĆØ difficile credere che per questo strumento non sia stato ā€œamore a prima vistaā€ per Carla Rebora. Genovese di nascita, ĆØ sicuramente una figura di rilievo nel panorama compositivo contemporaneo italiano ed internazionale. Allieva di Azio Corghi, da anni affianca la sua intensa attivitĆ  creativa a quella…

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The Flute Music of Reza Vali

by Laura Chislett This year marks the 70th anniversary of the birth of Reza Vali, a renowned Iranian-American composer, professor of composition at the School of Music, Carnegie Mellon University. In this article, Australian flutist Laura Chislett talks about his flute music. I met Reza Vali in Pittsburgh in 1992 where he teaches at Carnegie Mellon University. His name…

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Connecting with Shanghai, and four new works for flute

by Laura Chislett Accomplished Australian classical and contemporary flute player Laura Chislett reflects on her performances of five recent works of composers Xu Yifan, Anwar Wajidi, Shihui Cui, Lanqing Ding and Liza Lim. Tumbleweed, Moaning, Silence and The Shadow of Flowers: the scheduling of this two-year projectwas extremely fortuitous, though of course I didnā€™t know this at the time….

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Riccardo Piacentini

L’arte dell’espressivitĆ  by Francesca Cescon Il 7 aprile prossimo per la stagione concertistica Erremusica di Torino, eseguirĆ² in prima assoluta Similare (al) fado, per flauto e pianoforte composto per lā€™occasione da Riccardo Piacentini. Fino ad ora avevo potuto ascoltarlo solo nelle vesti di ottimo pianista allā€™interno del suo Duo Alterno insieme al soprano Tiziana Scandaletti ma non avevo mai…

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Female composers from down under, flute works, 1960s ā€“ 2000s

by Laura Chislett Australians love to move. Many of us spend weekends in The Great Outdoors participating in sport or simply experiencing the beauty of the natural world. The aural representation of landscape became a central theme of Australian composition from the mid 20th century onwards; likewise, the incorporation of elements from the cultures to our north. Toru Takemitsu…

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Armando Guevara Ochoa, Neo-Indigenismo musical Peruano en la flauta (II)

Por Manuel Carranza Cueto Al hablar sobre el Indigenismo en la mĆŗsica peruana nos podemos referir prĆ”cticamente al mismo movimiento cultural que se diĆ³ en muchos paĆ­ses del mundo desde mediados del siglo XIX hasta mediados del siglo XX aproximadamente: El Nacionalismo musical.   En los mĆŗltiples libros que hablan sobre la historia de la mĆŗsica encontramos grandes coincidencias en…

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