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Una compositrice australiana alla ricerca del tempo libero e del silenzio di Vilma Campitelli Abstract Compositrice e critica musicale di Melbourne (Australia). Ha vissuto parte della sua vita in diverse città quali Londra, New York e Atene. Fu dedita alla promozione ed alla presentazione della musica moderna in tutte le sue varie forme ed ha contribuito a far conoscere…

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La flauta en la Escuela Superior de Música de Detmold, Alemania

Una experiencia significativa. Listen in Spanish: Listen to this article Por César Peredo El 6 de julio del año 1986 inicié mi viaje desde mi ciudad natal (Lima, Perú) hacia Alemania siendo mi destino la ciudad de Detmold. La ciudad está ubicada al noroeste del país europeo. En dicha localidad existe un castillo que pertenecía al principado de Lippe…

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History of the flute

by Katja Pitelina As flutists, we have a repertoire of compositions spanning over 300 years, from the first publication of Michel de la Barre suites for flute and BC (1710) to the present day. If we take 1847 as the starting point for the existence of Theobald Bohm’s flute, the instrument played today, and call it the modern flute,…

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Петер фон Винтер – на грани двух эпох

Автор: Марина Вологдина Это имя Peter von Winter впервые попалось на глаза несколько лет назад при чтении биографических материалов о Теобальде Бёме и очень заинтересовало. Нашлось небольшое количество записей произведений – как правило, каждое в единственном варианте исполнения… Петер фон Винтер был одним из самых известных немецких композиторов своей эпохи. Справочники сообщают о нём как о связующем звене между…

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Musician gravidanza: benefici del suono del flauto a 432 HZ

di Paola Andreoli Perché la musica in Gravidanza Il suono è indubbiamente uno dei veicoli più potenti per riportare equilibrio e il periodo della gestazione è uno dei momenti e passaggi più delicati e al contempo elevati nella vita di una donna e nell’ingresso alla vita da parte del futuro bambino. In questo periodo si creano cambiamenti sia fisiologici…

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E…. se la magia della musica fosse nelle pause?

 di Mirella Pantano L’importanza del silenzio nella musica Si dice che se non ci fosse il buio non apprezzeremmo la luce, che l’amore non sarebbe così bello senza l’indifferenza, che la pioggia ci fa godere appieno del sole che torna a splendere, quindi non capiremo la bellezza della musica se essa non fosse permeata di momenti di vuoto? cosa…

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Theobald Böhm as a composer

by Ludwig Böhm, great-great-grandson ***We continue the publication of a series of articles by Ludwig Böhm from“Commemorative Writing on the occasion of Theobald Böhm’s 200th Birthday, Munich 1994”, gradually approaching the celebration of Theobald Böhm’s 230th birthday in 2024. Professional career as a composer At the age of 24 (1818), he started his education as a composer with practical lessons…

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Flute timbre and its artistic characteristics

Emanuel Flute. Stefán Ragnar Höskuldsson. Chicago Symphony Orchestra. Photo: Stefán Ragnar Höskuldsson by Yulia Berry The voice of the flute, like the voice of the human who created it, can sound in different intonations: joyful and sad, enthusiastic and tragic, inspired and overwhelmingly mournful, sublime and passionate. It can express the whole gamut of human emotions and experiences. Sound,…

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Cultivating the 21st Century Garden

Nurturing resilient, pain-free, and confident musicians by Lea Pearson INTRODUCTION It’s no secret that we are in a time of rapid change.  The Covid pandemic, along with social movements empowering marginalized communities (BIPOC & AAPI folk, women, LGBTQIA+, #MeToo, the neuro-divergent and disabled, and more) have overturned the landscape of musical traditions. These communities have always been essential in…

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