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Flute Almanac Spring 2025 Magazine

As we step into a new season, we celebrate the continued growth and success of Flute Almanac. Flutists from all corners of the world turn to our platform for news, insights, and inspiration, making it a truly global and inclusive space for flute lovers. Unlike other platforms and magazines that require memberships or subscriptions, Flute Almanac remains completely free—ensuring…

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Flute Almanac Fall 2024 Magazine

We are excited to present the first edition of Flute Almanac, the successor to The Babel Flute, continuing its mission of being a free and open platform that brings together a global community of flutists. In this inaugural edition, we are proud to feature 13 international authors from 9 different countries, showcasing a wide array of perspectives on the flute….

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Theobald Böhm as a Flute Maker

by Ludwig Böhm, great-great-grandson ***We continue the publication of a series of articles by Ludwig Böhm from“Commemorative Writing on the occasion of Theobald Böhm’s 200th Birthday, Munich 1994”, gradually approaching the celebration of Theobald Böhm’s 230th birthday on April 9, 2024. 1) Professional career as a flute maker After some time of playing, Theobald Böhm became dissatisfied with his flageolet…

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Open Questions in the Theobald Böhm Research

by Ludwig Böhm (1.12.2023) ***We continue the publication of a series of articles by Ludwig Böhm from“Commemorative Writing on the occasion of Theobald Böhm’s 200th Birthday, Munich 1994”, gradually approaching the celebration of Theobald Böhm’s 230th birthday in 2024. 1) Where is the original of Theobald’s flute workshop book, which was copied by Anna Böhm (workshop Theobald Böhm) and Dr….

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Флейта оригинальной системы Бёма

Автор – Марина Вологдина Существует точка зрения, что возможная нелюбовь В. А. Моцарта к флейте была вызвана несовершенством инструмента той эпохи, что ограничивало творческую фантазию композитора. В эпоху классицизма и предшествовавшего ему барокко флейта обладала целым рядом акустических, интонационных и технических недостатков: разнородность звучания регистров, провалы и фальшь в звучании как отдельных звуков, так и отрезков диапазона, сложность и…

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Emanuele Krakamp a Firenze (1853-1855)

polemiche e delusioni di un concertista di Maurizio Bignardelli Emanuele Krakamp (Palermo 1813 – Napoli 1883), uno dei più celebri concertisti italiani di flauto dell’Ottocento, trascorse due anni burrascosi della sua vita (1853 – 1855) a Firenze , in un esilio volontario causato dalla sua partecipazione ai moti politici del 1848 a Napoli contro il regime borbonico, e la…

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Theobald Böhm as a composer

by Ludwig Böhm, great-great-grandson ***We continue the publication of a series of articles by Ludwig Böhm from“Commemorative Writing on the occasion of Theobald Böhm’s 200th Birthday, Munich 1994”, gradually approaching the celebration of Theobald Böhm’s 230th birthday in 2024. Professional career as a composer At the age of 24 (1818), he started his education as a composer with practical lessons…

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On the Trail of my Great-great-grandfather Theobald Böhm, Flautist, Composer, Flute Maker, 1794–1881

by Ludwig Böhm ***We continue the publication of a series of articles by Ludwig Böhm from“Commemorative Writing on the occasion of Theobald Böhm’s 200th Birthday, Munich 1994”, gradually approaching the celebration of Theobald Böhm’s 230th birthday in 2024. My interest for Theobald Böhm’s descendants was raised in April 1970, when my father organized a family reunion. After the reunion, I…

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5th International Theobald Böhm Competition for Flute and Alto Flute

by Ludwig Böhm The 5th International Theobald Böhm Competition for Flute and Alto Flute was, according to the number of participants, the most successful up to now. About 100 students wrote me because of the competition. It was indeed international. Participants There were 81 registrations from 21 countries: Germany (3); France (1), Italy (10), Croatia (2), Austria (7), Portugal…

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The Inventor of the Bb thumb lever on the Böhm flute: Theobald Böhm or Giulio Briccialdi?

by Ludwig Böhm ***We continue the publication of a series of articles by Ludwig Böhm from“Commemorative Writing on the occasion of Theobald Böhm’s 200th Birthday, Munich 1994”, gradually approaching the celebration of Theobald Böhm’s 230th birthday in 2024. The year 2021 marks the 140th anniversary from the death of two outstanding flutists and innovators. On this occasion, I would like…

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