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100 лет наставничества или История одного путешествия

Автор: Лидия Фоменко ПРИГЛАШЕНИЕ В конце октября я получила приглашение от выпускника нашей кафедры Ирека Равиловича Исангужина принять участие в праздновании 100 летия духового оркестра города Белорецка, которым он руководит. Череда обычных дел как то затушевала значимость события, но когда мы уже ехали в такси с коллегами по кафедре, то вдруг увидели яркую радугу в ноябрьском небе, словно сама…

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Music Classrooms as the Gateway to Access

by Katherine Lewis Every musician deserves to make music in spaces designed for them to thrive. As the music industry is becoming increasingly aware of the need for accessibility for patrons and the talented musicians and staff that create, there’s one group uniquely positioned to usher in an age of accessible music-making: Teachers. This article explores the ways music classrooms…

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Important lessons for flutists from Leonardo da Vinci

by Yulia Berry Leonardo da Vinci was not only a great artist, but also a great scientist, inventor and philosopher. Among his innumerable inventions are the machine gun, the mechanical knight, also called Leonardo’s robot, the parachute, the flying machine, the Ariel propeller, which outlines the idea of ​​the modern helicopter, various musical instruments, a scuba gear, which also…

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Selecting the Best Pads for Your Flute

By Rachael Simon As a professional flute repair specialist, one of the most common questions I receive from flutists is, “What kind of pads should I get?”. I love getting asked this question, because pads are probably one of my favorite things to talk about. It’s for good reason–there are few components that are as crucial to the sound…

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Florence Beatrice Price (1887-1953)

Una compositrice afroamericana col pseudonimo di Vee Jay di Vilma Campitelli Abstract  Compositrice, educatrice, organista e pianista afroamericana. É stata la prima donna di colore ad essere riconosciuta come autrice di musica classica ed avere una sua sinfonia eseguita dalla una delle principali orchestre statunitensi. La sua musica è in uno stile tardo romantico e fa un uso considerevole…

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AMY BEACH (1867-1944) [pseudonimo di H.H.A. BEACH] 

Il sogno di una compositrice americana di Vilma Campitelli Compositrice, pianista, didatta. É stata la prima donna degli Stati Uniti ad avere una carriera di successo i cui risultati sono il simbolo del sogno americano per eccellenza. La sua infanzia è stata caratterizzata dal frequente scontro tra il prodigioso talento musicale ed i ruoli di genere prescritti. Rimasta vedova…

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Interview with The Babel Flute Founders

by Sofia de Salis The Babel Flute was launched on March 20, 2021 and received over 50,000 views from 118 countries in a year (according to the official statistics from Google Analytics)! Our authors are located in Peru, Australia, Italy, USA, Russia, Ukraine, Switzerland, Spain, Argentina, Germany, Canada, Venezuela, Portugal, Nigeria, Hungary, San Marino and China. We have published…

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Иоганн Иоахим Кванц – придворный музыкант

Автор – Марина Вологдина ©  325 лет назад родился выдающийся флейтист Иоганн Иоахим Кванц (1697-1773), который, благодаря трудам, учёбе, странствиям, исканиям и упорству, прошёл путь от деревенской кузницы своего отца до дворцов Дрездена, Варшавы, Берлина и Потсдама, став в результате первым музыкантом при дворе короля Пруссии Фридриха II. Без его имени не обходится ни одна из  книг и статей…

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Elsa Jaqueline Barraine: Ritratto di una compositrice della Résistence francese

di Vilma Campitelli ELSA JAQUELINE BARRAINE (1910-1999) – compositrice, umanista, la donna delle giuste cause e dei combattimenti. Non desiderava altro che equità e libertà per tutti dimostrando che questa scelta, anche se aveva vincoli e rinunce, era possibile. Elsa ci offre una meditazione sulla vita preferendo agli onori effimeri, una vita dedicata, limpida e realizzata….

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