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Peter-Lukas Graf LIVE! – “A musical encounter” Text: Viktoria Eschenfelder – Photos: Stefan Keller A musical encounter This year’s Flautando Day on 4 November 2023 in Boswil was not just a musical encounter, no, it was a personal, entertaining, instructive and motivating encounter with the “doyen of flautists” Peter-Lukas Graf. During our chat during the break, he said: “Everyone…

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A magyar fuvolázás elmúlt kétszáz éve és európai beágyazódása

Új könyv a magyar fuvolázás történetéről Czeloth-Csetényi Gyula Könyvünk 2022 decemberében jelent meg, és az első olyan anyag, amely kísérletet tesz a magyar fuvolaművészet történetének és jelenségeinek összefoglalására az utóbbi kétszáz évben. Korábban ilyen könyv nem született a mi országunkban, ebben a vonatkozásban mindenképp áttörés a magyar fuvolakultúra kutatásának területén.  A csaknem ötszáz oldalas kötet két elhivatott fuvolaművész, Mr….

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Das Pars-pro-Toto-Spiel  |  Neue Klänge auf Teilen der Flöte

von Andreas Mazur Im Jahr 2003 erschien mein Lehrbuch mit CD „Das Pars-pro-Toto-Spiel: Neue Klänge auf Teilen der Flöte“ beim Musikverlag Zimmermann und ich konnte es auf der Frankfurter Musikmesse im selben Jahr einer internationalen Öffentlichkeit präsentieren. Hinter mir lagen 10 Jahre an Forschungsarbeit und Niederschrift des umfangreichen Manuskriptes. Was ist das Pars-pro-Toto-Spiel? Gehen wir zurück in das Jahr…

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Open Questions in the Theobald Böhm Research

by Ludwig Böhm (1.12.2023) ***We continue the publication of a series of articles by Ludwig Böhm from“Commemorative Writing on the occasion of Theobald Böhm’s 200th Birthday, Munich 1994”, gradually approaching the celebration of Theobald Böhm’s 230th birthday in 2024. 1) Where is the original of Theobald’s flute workshop book, which was copied by Anna Böhm (workshop Theobald Böhm) and Dr….

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Recovering from an injury

A retrospective around a flutist’s individual experience By Patrícia Fernandes Pires It’s not uncommon to see a musician suffer from injuries related to their playing. In 2017 I also suffered a very serious injury in my right hand that led me to stop playing and interrupt my master studies. When a musician gets injured, it presents an existential threat….

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History of the flute

by Katja Pitelina As flutists, we have a repertoire of compositions spanning over 300 years, from the first publication of Michel de la Barre suites for flute and BC (1710) to the present day. If we take 1847 as the starting point for the existence of Theobald Bohm’s flute, the instrument played today, and call it the modern flute,…

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Portrait of Eva Amsler

by Stefan Keller Curiosity – Versatility – Authenticity The Swiss professor for flute, traverso, expert in didactics, specialist for dynamic integration (Dynintegra) Eva Amsler lives a fulfilled life as a musician in many facets for and with the flute: old music on modern instruments; new music with electronics; mental training and stage fright; music and art in a broader…

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La musica della mia terra

di Onorio Zaralli Ognuno nasce in un determinato territorio, fatto di storia, di natura, di tradizioni… Anche quando i casi della vita ci portano lontano dai luoghi di origine, rimane sempre qualcosa dentro di noi: un segno particolare, un ricordo lontano e profondo, il tratto distintivo della nostra identità, il colore e il calore di una personale emotività. Se…

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Una compositrice australiana alla ricerca del tempo libero e del silenzio di Vilma Campitelli Abstract Compositrice e critica musicale di Melbourne (Australia). Ha vissuto parte della sua vita in diverse città quali Londra, New York e Atene. Fu dedita alla promozione ed alla presentazione della musica moderna in tutte le sue varie forme ed ha contribuito a far conoscere…

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