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IX Edition

Dear flutists! The new 9th edition is out!
In this issue, we are pleased to present 20 new articles! 4 new authors have joined us!
We hope you realize how much new material has been written and how much valuable knowledge has been shared over these two years thanks to The Babel Flute and all 74 contributors from 27 countries!
We ask and encourage our generous contributors to write new articles that would most likely never have been written or made available to the global flute community, and we provide this unique platform for all flute players in the world to exchange ideas and learn from each other!
Thanks to our unique translating feature, the entire platform can be translated to any language with just one click. The translation quality is exceptional! Our readers come from 236 countries!
From day one, our slogan and goal has been “Bringing flutists together”. Two years later, seeing how The Babel Flute has changed and rejuvenated the world flute community, we are proud of the results and grateful for the support!
In May we received a new award from Google for achieving 180,000 web appearances! Social media and other sources double it!

These are mind-blowing statistics! Congratulations to each contributor on this success!
Other projects:
The Babel Flute Courses for flutists and all musicians are available in 100 languages on a dedicated platform. Enrollment is open!
The international pedagogical initiative Crescendo: Growing Together and Crescendo Forum for Flute Teachers have been launched and we invite you to join the interesting discussions.
From September 19 to 24 we will be holding “The Babel Flute Days – 2023”, the GLOBAL Flute Convention.
In this Edition:
Anush Naroyan (Greece-Armenia) introduces the history and repertoire of the flute in Armenian music.
Flute sounds in Armenian folk music
César Peredo (Peru) shares his valuable experience of studying in Germany.
La flauta en la Escuela Superior de Música de Detmold, Alemania
Ebele The Flutist (Nigeria) talk about the oja – the flute of the Igbo people and its significance for their culture
Ilja Dvoretsky (Russia) explains such a complex topic as vibrato in a simple, accessible way
Флейта – просто о сложном: вибрато
Jan Karman (The Netherlands) tells us about his brilliant solution of how to convert c-footjoint into b at home
Jean Penny (Australia) describes her Coastline Project that was born through her own transitions and reflections.
Coastline Project: Tracing a flutist’s unfolding practices and transitions
Karen Kevra (USA) introduces us to the delightful world of flute stories from her popular podcast “Muse Mentors”
Who doesn’t love a good flute story
Katja Pitelina (The Netherlands) talks about the history of the flute and its transformations
Laura Chislett (Australia) met during her travel with flutist and composer Phoebe Bognár and conducted a very interesting interview about musical projects in Switzerland and Germany
Interview with flutist and composer Phoebe Bognár
Lea Pearson (USA) reveals the burning topics of flute and music education in the 21st century and the challenges facing educators in order to meet the requirements of our time and society
Cultivating the 21st Century Garden
Ludwig Böhm (Germany) tells us about his legendary great-great-grandfather Theobald Böhm and his career as a composer, as we continue the publication of a series of Ludwig’s articles from “Commemorative Writing on the occasion of Theobald Böhm’s 200th Birthday, Munich 1994”, gradually approaching the celebration of Theobald Böhm’s 230th birthday in 2024:
Marco Gaudino (Italy) continues series of articles on the physiology and this time talks about the high register of the flute.
Il registro acuto nel flauto traverso
Marina Vologdina (Russia) introduces Peter von Winter, a very famous German composer of his time, unfortunately half-forgotten in our time, who was also the composition teacher of Theobald Bohm.
Петер фон Винтер – на грани двух эпох
Mirella Pantano (Italy) reminds us of the importance and significance of music rests in musical expression.
E…. se la magia della musica fosse nelle pause
Onorio Zaralli (Italy) shares the history of his ancient land and talks about the music he composed for the flute, imbued with this millennial spirit
Paola Andreoli (Italy) points out the important health benefits of the sound of the 432 Hz flute during pregnancy.
Musician gravidanza: benefici del suono del flauto a 432 HZ
Stefan Keller (Switzerland) wrote a wonderful feature article about the Swiss flutist and professor Eva Amsler.
Vilma Campitelli (Italy) tells the story of Peggy Glanville-Hicks, a famous Australian composer and music critic
Yulia Berry (USA) talks about the timbre, sound colors and artistic characteristics of the flute using examples of orchestral music.
Timbre and artistic characteristics of the flute
As always, the new edition comes with new flute games and quizzes, created by Onorio Zaralli. Test your knowledge and have fun!
We ask you, our dear readers, to share and leave comments under the articles you like. Your comment or repost is equivalent to a virtual thank you!
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