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Introducing Flute Almanac: The Ultimate Global Flute Resource! Visit www.flutealmanac.com Flute Almanac is a more enriched, modernized, and dynamic platform, yet it retains the values and openness that made The Babel Flute a success. This evolution ensures a seamless and enhanced experience for users, fostering a truly global community of flutists.

When It Hurts to Play Flute
Edition 11 - March 2024, Flute Making and Repair, USA / March 20, 2024 Ergonomic Aids That Can Help the Pain By Erik Nugent Everyone’s hands are different. We all have different length fingers, thumbs, span of the reach from thumb to pinky, width
Theobald Böhm as a Flute Maker
Edition 11 - March 2024, Flute Making and Repair, Germany / March 20, 2024 by Ludwig Böhm, great-great-grandson ***We continue the publication of a series of articles by Ludwig Böhm from“Commemorative Writing on the occasion of Theobald Böhm’s 200th Birthday, Munich 1994”, gradually approaching the

Crafting Musical Narratives: A Flutist’s Journey into Podcasting Wisdom
Edition 11 - March 2024, Multimedia, USA / March 20, 2024

By Dr. Heidi Kay Begay In the ever-evolving world of music, finding new avenues to enhance our artistry becomes both

Who doesn’t love a good flute story
Edition 9 - June 2023, Multimedia, USA / June 20, 2023

By Karen Kevra My flute has been a constant companion since I was 9 years old. It’s introduced me to

The Electric Flute: An Introduction to Playing with Effects
Edition 7 - December 2022, Multimedia, USA / December 20, 2022

By Melissa Keeling INTRODUCTION I will never forget the first time I heard my flute through effects pedals (the “electric

El desafío de las clases online
Argentina, Edition 5 - June 2022, Multimedia / June 20, 2022

Valentina Galaz La metodología para desarrollar una clase online es evidentemente muy diferente a la clase presencial. En lo que

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<big><span style=”font-weight: bold;”>CHILDREN’S CORNER</span></big>

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Suzuki Flute School
Children's Corner, Edition 10 - December 2023, Italy / December 20, 2023 by Marco Messina La storia di successo del fondatore del metodo Suzuki Shinichi Suzuki, violinista ed insegnante giapponese, iniziò a sviluppare il suo sistema educativo negli anni '30. Egli ha
Flute Methods for Intermediate Students
Children's Corner, China, Edition 5 - June 2022, Italy, Pedagogy / June 20, 2022 by Enrico Sartori When I talk about intermediate flute students I refer to those who had regular flute lessons for a semester or one year, learned all the positions of
Speed Up Your Brain for Efficient Practice 
Children's Corner, Edition 5 - June 2022, Pedagogy, USA / June 20, 2022 by Kathy Blocki Do you ever feel a brain fog when trying to conquer a passage? Or maybe you feel like one of your students is in a brain fog. Sometimes you
Aktive SchülerInnen, ein Wunschtraum jeder Lehrperson?
Children's Corner, Edition 4 - March 2022, Germany / March 20, 2022 Ein Plädoyer für schüleraktivierenden Instrumentalunterricht Von lic. phil. Renate Lemmer Schönenberger Kennen Sie diese drei Situationen? Die SchülerIn ist wortkarg und antriebslos … Sie als Lehrperson sind überaktiv und versuchen

<big><span style=”font-weight: bold;”>FLUTE IN ART</span></big>





Flute in the history of advertising
Edition 8 - March 2023, Featured, Flute in Art, USA / March 20, 2023

Pink Rose and Flute, Lion Coffee, Woolson Spice Co, Toledo, Ohio by Yulia Berry Advertising is a global phenomenon that

Пан и Сиринга в мифологии и искусстве
Edition 7 - December 2022, Flute in Art, Russia / December 20, 2022

Pan and Syrinx, Pierre Mignard, c.1686-1690. Автор: Марина Вологдина Древнегреческая легенда повествует о происхождении флейты Пана - одной из старейших

The mystery of the flutist’s portrait
Edition 6 - September 2022, Flute in Art / September 20, 2022

by Yulia Berry In May 2022, at the sale of old paintings, one lot exceeded all expectations and became the

Flute in the art of Japan
Edition 4 - March 2022, Flute in Art, USA / March 20, 2022

by Yulia Berry The most exquisite form of art in Japan besides music is painting. It was inseparable from calligraphy,

<big><span style=”font-weight: bold;”>MULTIMEDIA</span></big>

Crafting Musical Narratives: A Flutist’s Journey into Podcasting Wisdom
Edition 11 - March 2024, Multimedia, USA / March 20, 2024

By Dr. Heidi Kay Begay In the ever-evolving world of music, finding new avenues to enhance our artistry becomes both

Who doesn’t love a good flute story
Edition 9 - June 2023, Multimedia, USA / June 20, 2023

By Karen Kevra My flute has been a constant companion since I was 9 years old. It’s introduced me to

The Electric Flute: An Introduction to Playing with Effects
Edition 7 - December 2022, Multimedia, USA / December 20, 2022

By Melissa Keeling INTRODUCTION I will never forget the first time I heard my flute through effects pedals (the “electric




Key Clicks: why you should hear the keys while playing
Edition 10 - December 2023, Flute Technique, The Netherlands / December 20, 2023 by Rogier de Pijper When I was sixteen years old, my flute teacher gave me 'Density 21.5' by Varèse. In this piece, there is a technique that I had never
Флейта – просто о сложном: вибрато
Edition 9 - June 2023, Flute Technique, Russia / June 20, 2023 Автор - Илья Дворецкий Читайте в предыдущих статьях: Основы игры на флейте. Часть 1. Постановка Основы игры на флейте. Часть 2. Дыхание. Основы игры на флейте. Часть 3. Постановка губ.
Waarom je niet altijd mooi zou moeten spelen
Edition 8 - March 2023, Flute Technique, The Netherlands / March 20, 2023 by Rogier de Pijper Vanaf het moment dat we voor de eerste keer het lokaal van onze fluitdocent inlopen is het punt gestart waarop we op zoek gaan naar perfectie.
Zijn ghost harmonics eng of redden ze hoge noten?
Edition 6 - September 2022, Flute Technique, The Netherlands / September 20, 2022 Rogier de Pijper Het derde register van de fluit zorgt vaak voor stress bij fluitisten die ik tegenkom. Het wordt soms geassocieerd met moeilijk, hard en lelijk. Vooral leerlingen die

Considerazioni ed Ipotesi fisio-acustiche nell’interazione tra il flautista ed il suo strumento
Edition 11 - March 2024, Italy, Physiology / March 20, 2024

di Marco Gaudino Per una più semplice comprensione del seguente articolo si consiglia di leggere gli articoli di Marco pubblicati nei numeri precedenti. Vedi articoli

Recovering from an injury
Edition 10 - December 2023, Physiology, Portugal / December 20, 2023

A retrospective around a flutist’s individual experience By Patrícia Fernandes Pires It's not uncommon to see a musician suffer from injuries related to their playing.

Considerazioni sulle variazioni timbriche del suono nel Flauto Traverso
Edition 10 - December 2023, Italy, Physiology / December 20, 2023

di Marco Gaudino Per una più semplice comprensione del seguente articolo si consiglia di leggere gli articoli di Marco pubblicati nei numeri precedenti. Vedi articoli

Musician gravidanza: benefici del suono del flauto a 432 HZ
Edition 9 - June 2023, Italy, Physiology / June 20, 2023

di Paola Andreoli Perché la musica in Gravidanza Il suono è indubbiamente uno dei veicoli più potenti per riportare equilibrio e il periodo della gestazione

Τhe medieval transverse flute between Western Europe and Byzantium
Edition 11 - March 2024, Flute History, Greece / March 20, 2024 Dimitris Kountouras, Dr, M.Music Very few things are known to us about the transverse flute in Europe during the Middle Ages. No instruments survive and no specific mention in the
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Voices of the Masters: Bridging Baroque and Modern Flute Practice
Edition 11 - March 2024, Flute History, Italy / March 20, 2024 by Francesco Belfiore BACKGROUND  In the vibrant world of flute playing, the daily practice routines of musicians are as varied as the instruments they play. From the intricate Boehm system
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Open Questions in the Theobald Böhm Research
Edition 10 - December 2023, Flute History, Germany / December 20, 2023 by Ludwig Böhm (1.12.2023) ***We continue the publication of a series of articles by Ludwig Böhm from“Commemorative Writing on the occasion of Theobald Böhm’s 200th Birthday, Munich 1994”, gradually approaching the
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The Origin Of Oja Flute
Edition 9 - June 2023, Ethnic Flutes, Nigeria / June 20, 2023

By Ebele The Flutist The Oja is as old as the Igbo people. The culture of the Igbo people is

El Moceño: La Flauta Traversa Del Altiplano
Edition 8 - March 2023, Ethnic Flutes, Peru / March 20, 2023

Por: Manuel Carranza Cueto En América del Sur hay una vasta y rica geografía donde maravillosas culturas (milenarias algunas como

I flauti di tradizione cinese
Edition 6 - September 2022, Ethnic Flutes, Italy / September 20, 2022

di Marco Felicioni Nell’estremo oriente si concentra maggiormente la presenza del valore spirituale ed evocativo della musica e del flauto;

Storia del flauto jazz – Parte 3. Buddy Collette e Frank Wess
Edition 3 - December 2021, Italy, Jazz Flute / December 20, 2021

Di Nicola Rizzo Eccoci qui ad un nuovo appuntamento con la storia del flauto jazz. Protagonisti di oggi Buddy Collette

So you want to improvise, do you?
Edition 2 - September 2021, Jazz Flute, North America / September 20, 2021

by Bill McBirnie From the start, I can guarantee you that learning to improvise will give you a genuine opportunity

Wayman Carver e Harry Klee
Edition 2 - September 2021, Italy, Jazz Flute / September 20, 2021

Storia del flauto jazz - Parte seconda di Nicola Rizzo Ed eccoci ad un nuovo appuntamento del nostro viaggio alla

“The Magic Flute” of Mikael Tariverdiev
Composers & Biographies, Edition 11 - March 2024, USA / March 20, 2024 by Yulia Berry Composer Mikael Tariverdiev's talent emerged early: he wrote his first ballet at the age of 13, and his student works were performed at the same concert as compositions by Prokofiev. Tariverdiev's songs
Crafting Musical Narratives: A Flutist’s Journey into Podcasting Wisdom
Edition 11 - March 2024, Multimedia, USA / March 20, 2024 By Dr. Heidi Kay Begay In the ever-evolving world of music, finding new avenues to enhance our artistry becomes both a quest and a necessity. As a modern-day flutist, my unexpected venture into podcasting has
When It Hurts to Play Flute
Edition 11 - March 2024, Flute Making and Repair, USA / March 20, 2024 Ergonomic Aids That Can Help the Pain By Erik Nugent Everyone’s hands are different. We all have different length fingers, thumbs, span of the reach from thumb to pinky, width of fingers and palms, and
Sound, Movement and Expression in Music
Edition 11 - March 2024, Music and Science, USA / March 20, 2024 by Tim Lane When a musician asks for help in developing their musicianship, they are most often directed to listen to renowned performers and performances. I remember hearing an interview with William Bennett who commented that
Communicate with confidence
Edition 11 - March 2024, Playing In Concert, USA / March 20, 2024 by Rik Noyce, D.M.A. As a University professor and life coach, I often find both students and clients searching for the seemingly illusive state of confidence – wanting to know how to summon it, maximize

“Marcahuasi” Op. 10 para flauta sola

Música para flauta sola latinoamericana

Posted: Edition 10 - December 2023, Ensembles & Repertoire, Peru / December 20, 2023
La flauta en la Escuela Superior de Música de Detmold, Alemania

Una experiencia significativa. Listen in

Posted: Edition 9 - June 2023, Flutist Diary, Peru / June 20, 2023
Perfeccionismo y Compasión en la práctica del Músico

por Francisca Fernández Incorporar la

Posted: Chile, Edition 8 - March 2023, Pedagogy / March 20, 2023
El Moceño: La Flauta Traversa Del Altiplano

Por: Manuel Carranza Cueto En

Posted: Edition 8 - March 2023, Ethnic Flutes, Peru / March 20, 2023
Método de flauta traversa de César Peredo

Una nueva propuesta en la

Posted: Edition 8 - March 2023, Pedagogy, Peru / March 20, 2023
Flauta Andina

por Daniel Velasco A pesar

Posted: Edition 7 - December 2022, Ensembles & Repertoire, Equador / December 20, 2022

Τhe medieval transverse flute between Western Europe and Byzantium
Edition 11 - March 2024, Flute History, Greece / March 20, 2024 Dimitris Kountouras, Dr, M.Music Very few things are known to us about the transverse flute in Europe during the Middle Ages. No instruments survive and no specific mention in the repertoire indicates the flute. Our
Career Paths in Music, Edition 11 - March 2024, Greece / March 20, 2024 Anush Naroyan Ο Δημήτρης Κούντουρας είναι ένας από τους πιο σημαντικούς μελετητές της Παλαιάς μουσικής στην Ελλάδα. Ειδικεύεται σε ιστορικά είδη φλάουτου και στη μουσική από τον Μεσαίωνα μέχρι το Μπαρόκ. Είναι ένας μουσικός που
I promessi sposi: ritratti musicali
Edition 11 - March 2024, Ensembles & Repertoire, Italy / March 20, 2024 di Onorio Zaralli NOTA. In questa mia recentissima composizione la voce dell'oboe in partitura può essere sostituita, a scelta degli interpreti, con quella del flauto. Ho preferito prevedere l'oboe soltanto per un motivo eufonico: con
Considerazioni ed Ipotesi fisio-acustiche nell’interazione tra il flautista ed il suo strumento
Edition 11 - March 2024, Italy, Physiology / March 20, 2024 di Marco Gaudino Per una più semplice comprensione del seguente articolo si consiglia di leggere gli articoli di Marco pubblicati nei numeri precedenti. Vedi articoli Marco Gaudino: Lo staccato nel flauto traverso e negli strumenti
Fuvolás sorsok a 20. századi Magyarországon
Edition 11 - March 2024, Hungary, National Flute Schools / March 20, 2024 Viktória Ozsvárt - Gyula Czeloth-Csetényi A vizsgálódásom súlypontja az 1945 és 1970 közötti két és fél évtized, amely sokoldalúan feltérképezett időszaka a 20. század magyar zenetörténetének. Számos zenetörténeti munka foglalkozott már korábban a Szovjetunió Kommunista
Il flautista e la forza trasformatrice della musica d’insieme
Edition 11 - March 2024, Ensembles & Repertoire, Italy / March 20, 2024 Come dirti tutto senza parlare di Mirella Pantano Il flautista e la forza trasformatrice della musica d’insieme “come dirti tutto senza parlare”. Mirella Pantano La musica è il linguaggio magico dei sentimenti, non voglio con
Voices of the Masters: Bridging Baroque and Modern Flute Practice
Edition 11 - March 2024, Flute History, Italy / March 20, 2024 by Francesco Belfiore BACKGROUND  In the vibrant world of flute playing, the daily practice routines of musicians are as varied as the instruments they play. From the intricate Boehm system of the modern flute to
Principessa Anna Amalia di Prussia (1723-1787): Compositrice e Mecenate 
Composers & Biographies, Edition 11 - March 2024, Italy / March 20, 2024 di Vilma Campitelli Abstract Principessa, compositrice e badessa. Sorella minore del Re Federico II di Prussia, fin da piccola amava la musica ma la sua istruzione fu possibile solo dopo la morte del padre. In
Theobald Böhm as a Flute Maker
Edition 11 - March 2024, Flute Making and Repair, Germany / March 20, 2024 by Ludwig Böhm, great-great-grandson ***We continue the publication of a series of articles by Ludwig Böhm from“Commemorative Writing on the occasion of Theobald Böhm’s 200th Birthday, Munich 1994”, gradually approaching the celebration of Theobald Böhm’s 230th
Suzuki Flute School
Children's Corner, Edition 10 - December 2023, Italy / December 20, 2023 by Marco Messina La storia di successo del fondatore del metodo Suzuki Shinichi Suzuki, violinista ed insegnante giapponese, iniziò a sviluppare il suo sistema educativo negli anni '30. Egli ha riconosciuto nella capacità dei bambini
Luigi Hugues: Flutist, Composer, and Geographer
Composers & Biographies, Edition 10 - December 2023, Italy / December 20, 2023 by Enrico Sartori If you mention the name Luigi Hugues to an Italian flute player, he or she would immediately recognize it and recall the years as a student practicing “La Scuola del Flauto” op.51.

In Two Minds: Duo Menurida

New album by Australian flautist

Posted: Australia, Edition 11 - March 2024, News and Events / March 20, 2024
Interview with Enrico Sartori

by Yulia Berry Enrico Sartori

Posted: China, Edition 6 - September 2022, Interviews, Italy, USA / September 20, 2022
The Origin Of Oja Flute

By Ebele The Flutist The

Posted: Edition 9 - June 2023, Ethnic Flutes, Nigeria / June 20, 2023


“The Magic Flute” of Mikael Tariverdiev
Composers & Biographies, Edition 11 - March 2024, USA / March 20, 2024 by Yulia Berry Composer Mikael Tariverdiev's talent emerged early: he wrote his first ballet at the age of 13, and his student works were performed at the same concert as
Principessa Anna Amalia di Prussia (1723-1787): Compositrice e Mecenate 
Composers & Biographies, Edition 11 - March 2024, Italy / March 20, 2024 di Vilma Campitelli Abstract Principessa, compositrice e badessa. Sorella minore del Re Federico II di Prussia, fin da piccola amava la musica ma la sua istruzione fu possibile solo dopo



“The Magic Flute” of Mikael Tariverdiev
Composers & Biographies, Edition 11 - March 2024, USA / March 20, 2024 by Yulia Berry Composer Mikael Tariverdiev's talent emerged early: he wrote his first ballet at the age of 13, and his student works were performed at the same concert as
Principessa Anna Amalia di Prussia (1723-1787): Compositrice e Mecenate 
Composers & Biographies, Edition 11 - March 2024, Italy / March 20, 2024 di Vilma Campitelli Abstract Principessa, compositrice e badessa. Sorella minore del Re Federico II di Prussia, fin da piccola amava la musica ma la sua istruzione fu possibile solo dopo


Coastline Project
Australia, Contemporary Music, Edition 9 - June 2023 / June 20, 2023

Tracing a flutist’s unfolding practices